Your Gift Supports an Educational Journey That Lasts a Lifetime!
Why give? Providing a quality educational experience at FASPS requires resources and funding. We are an independent school that receives no direct subsidies from the French or U.S. governments. Our philosophy for philanthropy is rooted in the model for independent schools across the country. We depend on revenue from tuition and donations from parents, trustees, parents of alumni, grandparents, faculty and staff, friends of the school, and the community at large.
Our top priority is to provide an unparalleled education in a safe and healthy environment. We greatly appreciate our supportive community — your contributions to FASPS make fulfilling our mission possible!

Two Primary Fundraisers Each Year: “The Gifts We Live By”
  1. The Annual Fund (October – June) supports the school’s yearly operations by closing the gap between tuition and the actual cost of our program. Our goal in 2024–2025 is $390,000 in donations with 100% participation from our families, our Board of Trustees, and our faculty and staff. Every gift makes a difference!
  2. The Gala & Auction in the spring supports key priorities of the school, such as scholarships, technology, FAN (fund-a-need) special projects, and support of the operating budget.
We ask that all families participate in each of these fundraisers since they benefit every student at the school. Donations are tax-deductible and can often be matched by corporate gift programs.
Capital Campaigns: “The Gifts We Grow By”
Capital gifts help the school grow. The French American School of Puget Sound has conducted two successful capital campaigns: The first in 2004 helped construct the new campus, and the second in 2007 supported the addition of the second floor and classroom enhancements. We are preparing for another campaign for our Seattle Permanent Home Project.
Create a Legacy of Philanthropy
Generosity takes many forms, and creating a legacy of philanthropy through a planned gift can be a wonderful way to support a cause that matters the most to you. If you are considering a planned gift to FASPS, learn more by connecting with Heidi Paige in the Development Office at or (206) 275-3533, ext. 278.
Heidi Paige
Director of Development
(206) 275-3533

Emma Smith
Associate Director of Development
(206) 275-3533
Debbie Baxter
Development Database Manager
(206) 275-3533, Ext. 281