Driving On Campus: Drop-Off and Pick-Up Reminders

At the start of every school year, we like to give everyone a reminder on how our carpool system (or drop-off and pick-up) works. Here are the important things to keep in mind while driving your car on campus.
The SPEED LIMIT is 5 mph while driving on campus, so please DRIVE SLOW.
Please do not text or be on your phones while driving. There are several small (and big) pedestrians that move through our parking lots during this time, so please keep a watchful eye out for everyone.
Keep your CARPOOL NUMBER on your dashboard. You will receive a new number on Class Visit Day. Please do not use carpool numbers from previous years.
Car seats should be on the right side (passenger side) of the car to help loading students in the evening.
Stay in your vehicle during drop-off and pick up(unless you have parked in a spot and are walking inside)
PRESCHOOL PARENTS: Use BLUE and GREENdoors to enter building to sign students in. Use parking on campus in both the front and back lots.
KINDERGARTEN - GRADE 1 PARENTS: Park in the bottom lot of the JCC and escort your students through the BLUE doors to check them in.
GRADE 2 - GRADE 8 PARENTS: Use the carpool lane for drop-off and pick up.