Merci for your Support of the 2024 Gala & Auction!
Thank you for joining us in Wonderland! Our spring Gala & Auction was such a success thanks to the generosity of our community. We are so grateful to everyone who attended the event, to our donors, and to our sponsors. Merci for your incredible community support! To learn more about our current Fund-A-Needs, or to donate, please visit our Cultural Agility Fund-A-Need Page, and our PBC Fund-A-Need Page
Information About the Gala & Auction

Each spring FASPS holds a large fundraising event: the Gala & Auction. The funds raised at the Gala are vital to the school, as tuition covers only a portion of operating costs, and funds raised through the Gala & Auction also help support the operating expenses, except for the Fund-A-Needs. Gala & Auction funds help cover the costs that make FASPS an extraordinary learning environment and strengthen our school’s program.

The Gala & Auction provides such a special moment of connection and unity for our school. All parents are strongly encouraged to participate and to invite their friends and family! Many “friends of FASPS” enjoy the unique items available for auction. This is an event that brings the entire school community together to celebrate our students and the school, reflecting our shared commitment to preserving, adapting, and growing our harmonized, bilingual program.
Leading up to the Gala each year, and on the event night, volunteer positions are available. This is a great way to fulfill family volunteer hours. Please contact the Development Office at for information on volunteering, corporate sponsorship, procurement, and other Gala opportunities.

Thank you for your support of FASPS!